Welcome to Lent 2013!

(…and your burden is light!)

A 40-day Lenten Blog on Taking Ownership of the Purse You've Been Given

Welcome to the 2013 Lenten Blog for All Saints Episcopal Church!

During the next 40 days, we hope you'll ben enriched by the daily readings from Forward Day by Day and a commentary about our bags. Bags? Keep reading sister or brother…Just like Austin Powers in the hilarious movie of the same name, we often deny the contents of our briefcase! Lent is a wonderful time to remember that God fills our supply sack daily with all the resources, tools and strengths we need to bless others. Maybe its our Lenten calling to take ownership of our purse!

It IS our bag, baby!

This Lent, be challenged to read God's word, pray to be a blessing and eagerly await the opportunity to open your bag.

Join in and see what surprises God has given you to help others out.

Friday, March 1, 2013

March 1

For Today's Forward Day by Day readings, click here.

Today's tool: Peace. And it couldn't come at a better time. I am now writing this at the tail end of my day, rather than in the morning when I'm fresh and in "my good place." Peace. The thought of it makes we want to do a million yoga ummmms, or take a Calgon bath. Or have some wine (now I'm talkin!). Or a few deep breaths. I think I'll do that now. Wine next, definitely.

If I were to describe Peace in terms of a tool, it would look very much like...a plug. Like this:

Peace's super power is forcing people to drop what they're doing, stop thinking, and plug in. It's only when we do this that Peace begins its mighty work. Once we're good and detained, Peace encourages us to breathe in, breathe out and consider one of the most important, peace-making facts out there. Today's reading from John 5:30 sums up Peace's marching order: "I seek to do not my own will but the will of him who sent me." Peace fights back with a message that all this mayhem we create for ouselves is just that: something we create for ourselves. Real peace comes when we plug in and go with God's flow. His will. Not ours.

Then Peace.

This was my tool for plugging in, circa 1982:

Now it's all I can do to get myself and people around me to UNplug. Still, the thought applies. I like thinking about plugging into God's will. The coolest thing about the Peace tool, however,  is its appearance. Just a coinky-dink? Weird, isn't it?

Plug in. Peace out.

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