Welcome to Lent 2013!

(…and your burden is light!)

A 40-day Lenten Blog on Taking Ownership of the Purse You've Been Given

Welcome to the 2013 Lenten Blog for All Saints Episcopal Church!

During the next 40 days, we hope you'll ben enriched by the daily readings from Forward Day by Day and a commentary about our bags. Bags? Keep reading sister or brother…Just like Austin Powers in the hilarious movie of the same name, we often deny the contents of our briefcase! Lent is a wonderful time to remember that God fills our supply sack daily with all the resources, tools and strengths we need to bless others. Maybe its our Lenten calling to take ownership of our purse!

It IS our bag, baby!

This Lent, be challenged to read God's word, pray to be a blessing and eagerly await the opportunity to open your bag.

Join in and see what surprises God has given you to help others out.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 12

For today's Forward Day by Day readings, Click Here.

Sleep is a precious commodity, and also a Hairy Monster. I remember the days when there was so little of it...when our babies would wake up throughout the night, for months even years on end. I remember the early wakeup calls from toddlers with full diapers and empty tummies. It sometimes felt like I would never sleep again with any consistency. But sure enough, the kids got older and now I sleep on my own terms for the most part. I'm the one who decides to wake up early for a run or sleep in on the off-chance of a free morning. No one's breathing in my face from my bedside willing me to wakeup and make them an Eggo waffle at 4 a.m. Thank God!

Until last night. Poor Marley stayed home yesterday with a fever and sore throat. After a day of boredom that produced THREE pulled teeth and lots of television, I thought she was cured. But the 1 a.m. "I'm so hot" wakeup call proved otherwise.

Sleep can be a bigger gatekeeper sometimes than the Caddy. I had to practically punch Sleep in the face so I could hear what my Caddy was offering me early this morning. He tossed me Gentleness and Kindness. I used my kid gloves to administer Advil and share a snuggle. Before Sleep attacked me again, Kindness prevailed with an invitation to sleep next to me for a bit until her fever subsided.

What are you going to punch in the face today to clear the path for some heavenly help?

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