Welcome to Lent 2013!

(…and your burden is light!)

A 40-day Lenten Blog on Taking Ownership of the Purse You've Been Given

Welcome to the 2013 Lenten Blog for All Saints Episcopal Church!

During the next 40 days, we hope you'll ben enriched by the daily readings from Forward Day by Day and a commentary about our bags. Bags? Keep reading sister or brother…Just like Austin Powers in the hilarious movie of the same name, we often deny the contents of our briefcase! Lent is a wonderful time to remember that God fills our supply sack daily with all the resources, tools and strengths we need to bless others. Maybe its our Lenten calling to take ownership of our purse!

It IS our bag, baby!

This Lent, be challenged to read God's word, pray to be a blessing and eagerly await the opportunity to open your bag.

Join in and see what surprises God has given you to help others out.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17

For Today's Forward Day by Day reading, Click Here.

All this talk about grounding and punishment has reminded me how much I often punish myself for missteps and mistakes. I am the queen of stumbling or screwing up and then dwelling on it for weeks on end. It's such a toxic place to be. While I do think it's a good exercise to recognize a fault or concern and address lessons learned, I think stewing about mistakes is a mucky place to live.

That's when Blinders come in handy. They force you to focus on the present and look ahead toward the future.

I hope my little grounded one learns her lesson, slaps on her Blinders and moves forward without injury of spirit. I hope the same for myself next time I pack my son his sister's shirt for weight training (whoops!) or feel responsible for my child's poor study habits (not my bag, right?) or fumble something at work. I'm going to tuck this into my purse

Philippians 3: 14: "but this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus."

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